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Intuitive Painting - new semester!

On Monday evening, the new semester for my Intuitive Painting class at the Arlington Center for the Arts began. What a great group of women! (Why is often only women?)

Check out Creative Everyday for a little show and tell from one of my students!

We focused on color - how do you get students to explore the unlimited possiblities? After a brief overview of color mixing using my standard 2 reds, 2 yellows and 2 blues, I gave each student a packet filled with a "mystery" scent. I used spices, but I could have thrown in perfume, candy, fruit, etc... even "bad" smells would be really interesting to try. (I tend to go easy on my first class - don't want to alienate people with things that are too weird!) The assignment was to create a color based on the scent.

I was so impressed with the experimental paintings that emerged. Bravo!!